Archives For August 2014

Political Economy and Work Cluster, Department of Sociology, NUI Maynooth

Monday,  September 22nd 2014.  9.30-2.30pm      Manor Mills 1.07 NUI, Maynooth


Seminar on Irish Activation Policy and Practice


9.00[1] – 9.30         Registration Tea and Coffee

9.30-10.30 Session One                  Irish Activation Setting the scene:   

Chair Anna  Lee (ex CEO Sth Dublin County Partnership).

Introduction: Unpacking Irish activation: Policy and Practice  Mary Murphy (NUI Maynooth)

Key note – International Trends in Activation Policy and Practice   Professor Evelyn  Brodkin  (University of Chicago) [2]



10.30 – 12.15 Session Two:   Irish Activation Updating and Unpacking Key Developments   

Chair  European Anti  Poverty Network

Intreo  Brid O’Brien Irish National Organisation of the Unemployed


Job Path John Sweeny (National Economic and Social Forum)

Youth Guarantee pilot Mick Creedon (Ballymun Jobs Club)

12.15-12.45pm light lunch

12.45pm – 1.45pm Session Three             Irish Activation On The Ground

Chair TBC

Implementing activation  Michael Bowe (ILDN  Employment Group),  TBC ( SIPTU)
Experiencing  Activation    Alice Mary Higgins (NWCI),  AnneMarie Butler   (We’re Not Leaving)


1.45-2pm  Closing Comment                  Observations from abroad:  Professor Evelyn Baldwin

[1] Please note an 8.30 train from Dublin Connolly  enables you arrive in NUI Maynooth in time for the seminar.

[2] Evelyn Baldwin’s new co-edited book, Work and the Welfare State: Street-Level Organizations and Workfare Politics (Georgetown University Press 2013), which investigates the politics and practices of labour market activation  in six countries (US, Australia, UK, Denmark, Germany and Netherlands).