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John Paul Byrne completed his PhD in 2017, through the New Deals project. His research, funded in part through the Irish Research Council, draws on interviews with IT workers in Denmark and Ireland to explore the social structure of workplace stressors in Denmark and Ireland.

Read more here about his comparison of these workers:

Framework and Early Results: JPB SAI PG 2014 ; JPB NWLC 2014  ; JPB ILPC 2014

Detailed Findings: JPB NWLC Nov 2016  ; JPB WES Sept 2016

Final Overview: JPB Europes Changing Workplaces Workshop – April 2017

Read John Paul’s analysis of why Denmark has such comparatively positive psycho-social outcomes at the national level here:

JPB WORK2015 Turku, Finland Denmark Durkheim

New Deals researchers are investigating the organisation of capital and finance, as well as our focus on workplaces.

Patrick Gallagher is completing a PhD on financialisation in Denmark and Ireland, particularly focusing on how different forms of market based banking interact with the national economy. Read more here: PatrickGallagher_VarietiesofBanking

In collaboration with Matt Keller (SMU), Fergal Rhatigan and Seán Ó Riain are investigating the different forms of state-led financing of economic activity:

State Investment Banks SASE

State Investment Banks June2017

Ivan Privalko is just completing a PhD through the New Deals project examining the consequences for workers of different kinds of mobility between jobs in Germany and the UK. See some of his initial results below:

Privalko Mobility_Floors and Ceilings SAI

Privalko Mobility WES

Privalko Mobility New Deals2017

One major strand in New Deals research involves the analysis of European Survey of Working Conditions data from 1995 to 2015.

You can take a preliminary look at our analysis in the presentations below.

For an overview of our research – what workplace regimes we find in Europe today, where we find them, with which workers, adn with what consequences click here:  New Deals Conference 2017_Healy_ORiain_work regimes

Here’s more detail on what this looks like in manufacturing: Healy_ORiain_SASE_2015_manufacturingregimes

How does the organisation of working time vary in Europe? Ciccia_Oriain_working time_SPA

What are the consequences of workplace regimes for Intensity of Work, Insecurity of Employment, Intrusion of Work into Non-Work Life and for Income Stress? BSA_WES_2016_Healy_ORiain_outcomes

For a closer look at insecurity and labour market dualism see here: ESA 2015_Healy_ORiain_dualisation

And for a closer look at the data on precarity and dualism, read: NERI_2017_Healy_ORiain_Precarity

And how does understanding the organisation of work shape attitudes to social protection and redistribution? ISA_2016_Healy_O Riain_welfare attitudes

For more on the EWCS data see: 

Are Small Open Economies Still the Model?
Denmark and Ireland in Comparative Perspective

Iontas Building, May 18th 2017

New Deals in the New Economy Project
MUSSI and the Department of Sociology
Maynooth University


Conference Programme

9.30-11.30 Small Open Economies in European Development 

Chair: Joe Larragy, Maynooth

The Return of the National: Implications for Ireland’s Multiple Interface-Periphery Development Model
Joe Ruane, UCC
Financial circuits and the political economy of social housing in Ireland, Denmark and Austria
Mick Byrne and Michelle Norris, UCD

Session 1 – Part 2


Denmark and Ireland  – Assessing a decade of labour market trends and institutional reforms
Bent Greve, Roskilde and Mary Murphy, Maynooth

Session 1 – Part 3


11.45-1.15 Institutions and Capitalisms

Chair: Mary Murphy, Maynooth

The Paradox of Vulnerability: States, Nationalism and the Financial Crisis
John Campbell (co-author John A. Hall), Dartmouth

Session 2 – Part 1


Good Governance Gone Bad: Lessons for Denmark and Ireland
Darius Ornston, Toronto (presented by Seán Ó Riain as Prof. ornston was unable to attend)

Session 2 – Part 2


2.30-3.45 New Deals Research on Comparative Capitalisms

Politics, Work and Industrial Relations in Ireland and Denmark: Rethinking the Worlds of Capitalism
Seán Ó Riain, Felix Behling, John Paul Byrne, Maynooth

Session 3 – Part 1    Session 3 – Part 2


4-5 Discussion: Are Small Open Economies Still the Model?
Chair: David Begg, Pensions Authority

David Soskice, LSE

Niamh Hardiman, UCD

Session 4 – Part 1   Session 4 – Part 2



Renehan Hall, April 3rd 2017

New Deals in the New Economy Project
MUSSI and the Department of Sociology
National University of Ireland Maynooth

Behind the deep economic troubles and political turmoil of the current era is a profound uncertainty about working life and employment – while some experience precarity and marginalisation, others work for significant rewards but at the cost of intense and intrusive work commitments. For almost all, ‘flexibility’ is an everyday reality at work – although flexibility can take many forms, for better and for worse.

  • What are the patterns of work in Europe today?
  • Where is work changing, and how?
  • Are there the seeds of a new ‘European model’ of work and employment?
  • What are its contradictions, challenges, conditions and prospects?

Conference Programme

9.30-10.45 Welcome and Overview of New Deals in the New Economy Research

Europe’s Flexibilities: Workplace Regimes and Worker Outcomes
Seán Ó Riain and Amy Healy

Session 1 – Part 1 Session 1 – Part 2



11-1 Flexibilities and Inequalities in Europe’s Labour Markets

Challenges and contradictions in the ‘normalising’ of precarious work

Jill Rubery
(Authors: Jill Rubery, Damian Grimshaw, Mat Johnson and Arjan Keizer)

Session 2 – Part 1


Flexible Employment in Europe: Assessing employment security through the lens of labour market segmentation – a sociological insight
Paolo Barbieri

Session 2 – Part 2


Earnings Inequalities between Couples: What an analysis of variation in the ‘partner pay-gap’ tells us about the persistence of income and gender inequalities.
Vanessa Gash
(Authors: Dieckhoff, M., Gash, V., Mertens, A. and Romeu-Gordo, L.)

Session 2 – Part 3


2-3.30  The Comparative Politics of Work and Employment

Flexibility and Security within European Labour Markets: The Role of Local Bargaining and the “Trade-Offs” within Multinationals’ Subsidiaries in Belgium, Britain and Germany
Valeria Pulignano

Session 3 – Part 1


What happens when Multinationals from LMEs operate In CMEs? The case of Ryanair In Denmark
Steen Navrbjerg

Session 3 – Part 2


3.45-5 Discussion: Where Next for Europe’s Workplaces?

Michael Doherty, Jane Gray (Maynooth University) and Bill Roche (UCD)

Session 4 – Part 1 – Commentary

Session 4 – Part 2 – Q and A


speakersJill Rubery (European Work and Employment Research Centre, University of Manchester) will speak about precarious work and social protection gaps across European countries.

Paolo Barbieri (Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento) will speak about labour market regulation, de-regulation and flexible employment in Europe.

Vanessa Gash (Department of Sociology, City University of London) will speak about gender inequalities within households in labour market access and rewards, and the effect of new employment patterns.

Valeria Pulignano (Centre for Sociological Research, KU Leuven) will speak about company production and union strategies, and mixes of flexibility and security in multinational firms in three countries.

Steen Navrbjerg (FAOS and Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen) will speak about the encounter in workplaces and industrial relations between the ‘Danish Model’ and liberalised international employment relations.

Seán Ó Riain and Amy Healy (Sociology and MUSSI, Maynooth University) will speak about New Deals in the New Economy research on changing work processes in the EU-15 and the links between new work practices and intensity, insecurity, intrusion and income at work.

We are talking to current or recent hospital nurses in Ireland and Denmark about their working lives.
Would you like to speak to us about your experience working as a nurse?

Click the link below for more info


Political Economy and Work Cluster, Department of Sociology, NUI Maynooth

Monday,  September 22nd 2014.  9.30-2.30pm      Manor Mills 1.07 NUI, Maynooth


Seminar on Irish Activation Policy and Practice


9.00[1] – 9.30         Registration Tea and Coffee

9.30-10.30 Session One                  Irish Activation Setting the scene:   

Chair Anna  Lee (ex CEO Sth Dublin County Partnership).

Introduction: Unpacking Irish activation: Policy and Practice  Mary Murphy (NUI Maynooth)

Key note – International Trends in Activation Policy and Practice   Professor Evelyn  Brodkin  (University of Chicago) [2]



10.30 – 12.15 Session Two:   Irish Activation Updating and Unpacking Key Developments   

Chair  European Anti  Poverty Network

Intreo  Brid O’Brien Irish National Organisation of the Unemployed


Job Path John Sweeny (National Economic and Social Forum)

Youth Guarantee pilot Mick Creedon (Ballymun Jobs Club)

12.15-12.45pm light lunch

12.45pm – 1.45pm Session Three             Irish Activation On The Ground

Chair TBC

Implementing activation  Michael Bowe (ILDN  Employment Group),  TBC ( SIPTU)
Experiencing  Activation    Alice Mary Higgins (NWCI),  AnneMarie Butler   (We’re Not Leaving)


1.45-2pm  Closing Comment                  Observations from abroad:  Professor Evelyn Baldwin

[1] Please note an 8.30 train from Dublin Connolly  enables you arrive in NUI Maynooth in time for the seminar.

[2] Evelyn Baldwin’s new co-edited book, Work and the Welfare State: Street-Level Organizations and Workfare Politics (Georgetown University Press 2013), which investigates the politics and practices of labour market activation  in six countries (US, Australia, UK, Denmark, Germany and Netherlands).

The New Deals in the New Economy project seeks a postdoctoral researcher for a two year post. The postdoc will carry out statistical analysis of comparative workplace change in Europe, drawing mainly on the European Working Conditions Survey.

Closing Date for applications is August 11th 2014. Informal enquiries to

Job Description

Candidate Booklet




A critical element of the New Deals project involves the comparison of the Danish and Irish workplace regimes and political economies. These two talks (slides below) examine working time in Denmark and corporatist bargaining in Ireland and Denmark.

The Politics of Working Time in Denmark

The Varying ‘Centralised Decentralisations’ of Industrial Relations in Denmark and Ireland

See our working papers for further comparative work on labour’s share of national income in Ireland and Denmark, and on patterns of working time across the EU27.