Understanding the Changing Worlds of Capitalism:
New Perspectives on the Political Economy of
Work, Production and Employment Regimes
Research Conference
Renehan Hall, NUI Maynooth
May 1st 2013
The various forms of capitalism are in crisis, as are the theories that have dominated our understandings of capitalism in recent decades. This conference draws together leading international scholars to examine changing European capitalisms, with a particular focus on how the organisation of work, employment and production regimes is changing. We explore how theories must shift to account for changing capitalisms.
Speakers include Dorothee Bohle, Bernhard Ebbinghaus, Béla Greskovits, Peer Hull Kristensen, Lars Mjoset, Luis Ortiz, Karen Shire and Markus Tünte.
The conference explores a variety of theories of political economy (e.g. Polanyian, institutionalist, pragmatist); different forms of capitalism in Europe (liberal, Christian democratic, social democratic, post-socialist, Mediterranean); and various institutions shaping work (e.g. welfare regimes, industrial relations, family, transnational work and technological change).
Registration is free but places are limited.
Please register at http://www.nuim.ie/newdeals/?page_id=152
Full programme and information at www.nuim.ie/newdeals and enquiries to newdeals@nuim.ie
Conference Programme
Registration and Coffee: 9.15-9.45
Session One: Diverse Capitalisms and Worlds of Labour in Europe (9.45-11.45)
Chair: Aileen O’Carroll (NUI Maynooth)
Seán Ó Riain and Eoin Flaherty (NUI Maynooth)
“Labour and the Variety of Polanyian Double Movements in Europe’s Capitalisms”
Lars Mjoset (Oslo)
“Varieties of Nordic capitalism”
Dorothee Bohle and Béla Greskovits (CEU)
“Capitalist Diversity and Labour Weakness in Eastern Europe”
Lunch: 11.45-1.00
Session Two: Labour and Welfare Regimes: Linking the Political Economy and the Workplace (1.00-3.00)
Chair: Pauline Cullen (NUI Maynooth)
Bernhard Ebbinghaus (Mannheim)
“Reforming Welfare States and Changing Capitalism: Reversing Early Retirement Regimes in Europe”
Rossella Ciccia (NUI Maynooth)
“Labour Markets beyond the Welfare State: The Evolution of Labour Regimes in European Advanced Economies (1991-2007)”
Luis Ortíz Gervasi (UPF, Barcelona)
“Political Mobilisation and Models of Trade Unionism: Southern Europe in Comparative Perspective”
Coffee: 3.00-3.30
Session Three: Organising Work in ‘New’ Workplaces (3.30-5.30)
Chair: Felix Behling (NUI Maynooth)
Peer Hull Kristensen (Copenhagen)
“Co-producing Work in Transnational Corporations”
Karen Shire and Markus Tünte (Duisburg-Essen)
“Beyond the Flexibility Divide: Internal Labor Markets and External Workers in Knowledge-Intensive Service Work”
Frances McGinnity and Helen Russell (ESRI, Dublin)
“Work-Family Conflict and the Great Recession: Evidence from the European Social Survey”
Mary Murphy (NUI Maynooth)
“Flex-insecurity: how social security, activation and labour legislation shape precarity in secondary labour markets”
Listen to the conference presentations
Session 1, Seán Ó Riain, & Eoin Flaherty, Lars Mjoset, and Dorothee Bohle & Béla Greskovits
Session 2, Bernhard Ebbinghaus, Rossella Ciccia, and Luis Ortíz Gervasi
Session 3, Peer Hull Kristensen, Karen Shire & Markus Tunte, Frances McGinnity & Helen Russell, and Mary Murphy